Munteanu Octavian
ORDCID number: 0000-0001-9340-8002
Associate Professor at History and Geography Department of Ion Creanga State Pedagogical University of Moldova, PhD in Archaeology (1996, Cluj-Napoca). Member of the Archaeological Research Centre from Moldova (from 2016 – vice president); member of the Scientific Council of the Orheiul Vechi Cultural-Natural Reserve; associate-member of the Archaeological Committee of the Moldovan Ministry of Culture; Corresponding member of the Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, Römisch-Germanische Kommision. Hi is Member of the editorial board of the journals Plural. History. Society. Culture and Arheologia Preventivă în Republica Moldova. His research interests are determined by the settlement archaeology and pottery study, Latène era issues in the South-Eastern Europe, especially those linked with the Germanic population in the East-Carpathian forest steppe and their relations with the local population (contacts between Poieneşti-Lucaşeuca – Zarubineck – Jastorf - and Przeworsk Culture circle).