General objective:
Explore, discuss and evaluate integrated approaches for using geophysical, archaeological and sampling methods with the goal of identifying gold-standard field solutions for data collection. At the heart of this objective lies the need for evaluating and creating awareness for complementary data collection methods that increase the potential of geophysical survey results. Alongside the development of a methodological framework, WG2 will assemble a network of test-sites, instrumentation and laboratory facilities to promote field experimentation and provide a pool of equipment to share between the members.
1. Quantifyng soil properties (task leader: dr. Hana Grison)
Assess soil-sampling methods to support and validate information provided by geophysical prospection of archaeological sites and landscapes. Alongside developing a methodological framework for the in-situ collection of ancillary pedological and geophysical data, we strive to create an online resource of soil and sensor signatures for the various practitioners. In collaboration with WG1 and 3, these outcomes will be combined with forward modelling approaches and the integration of geochemical datatypes.
2. Spatial sampling strategies (task leader: dr. Arne A. Stamnes)
Development of a framework for more efficient sampling strategies in combination with geophysical surveys will be another main task for the group. Here, the combination of ‘multi-scale’ data will be on the forefront, whereby different types of data are combined to create a more robust insight in archaeological sites and landscapes. One of the main goals will be to explore efficiency workflows to be used in developer-led archaeology (in coordination with WG 4). Hereby, particular emphasis will be on the exploration of suited spatial sampling strategies through the use of geostatistical approaches.
3. Complementary survey methods (task leader: dr. Ekhine Garcia)
While task 2 is focussed on sampling design and data combination, this section focusses on the complementary methods themselves. Here, we explore the potential of both near- and remote sensing methods, aiming particularly at quantitative data integration. Targeted techniques include field methods such as: geotechnical methods alongside mechanical and manual coring, while equally addressing lesser deployed geophysical techniques in archaeology such as self-potential, induced polarisation or seismic techniques. Particularly aimed at an increase of scale, a final part of this task focuses on integrating remote sensing methods to characterise past environments at a regional scale.
4. Infrastructure, test site and instrumentation pool. (task leader: dr. Petra Schneidhofer)
To stimulate a more holistic approach to geophysical prospection and support experimentation and monitoring projects, WG2 will develop a resource of test-sites, equipment and laboratories. In tandem with WG1 and 4, this resource will equally serve as an incubator for collaborative research, and provide access to appropriate equipment for heritage at risk.
Alongside providing an overview of available technical resources, laboratory facilities and test sites, WG2 strives to produce publications on tasks 1 – 3, and deliver a series of reports on SAGA’s website. Complementing specialist and technical publication, WG2 is strategized to produce guidelines for curators, practitioners and students, on integrating the explored methodologies in routine applications.
Working Group Leader: Philippe De Smedt (Philippe.DeSmedt[at]
List of WG2 Members