Working Group 1 Working Group 2 Working Group 3 Working Group 4
More about our structure
Management Committee (MC): supervises the overall progress of the activities of the four WGs The MC maintains general oversight of the budget and the balanced participation from participating COST countries. It is responsible for the proper use of funds for networking activities. The MC is led by the Action Chair and Vice-Chair and they take actions to enable proper decision making and ensure all efforts are focused to achieve SAGA’s objectives.

Working Group (WG): SAGA is structured into four WGs, each led by two members (Leader & Deputy) from different participating countries/research backgrounds. The WG Leaders coordinate the WG activities, stimulate STSMs, training and contacts with other WGs. They are in charge of further subdividing the WGs into sub-groups, coordinating the progress of these and preparing the WG output for the MC reports (e.g. progress in relation to deliverables, any delays, etc).

Core Group (CG): prepares MC meetings and actions that will be considered during the meetings. It s also a ‘quick-answer’ organ to decide on, inter alia, how to shift money between approved items elected by the MC to maximise budget expenditure.