François-Xavier Simon is currently geophysicist at the French National Institute for Preventive Archaeological Research and associated researcher to the Laboratory Chrono-Environnement (Besançon, France). He is managing field surveys of ground and aerial remote sensing, and he is strongly involved on the methodological development of geophysical technics (ArchEM project) and data processing through QGIS (AGT Project). He is teaching ground and near surface mapping in the Master degree ASA (Archaeology and Archaeological Sciences) at the University of Besançon.
He holds a master degree in ‘Applied Geophysics for Ressources and Environment” from the University Pierre et Marie Curie. In 2012, he defended a PhD on the use of geophysics for preventive archaeology. He get a position of post-doctoral researcher in the GeoSat ReSeArch Laboratory in Rethymnon (Greece) where he developed EMI processing. In 2015, he was working on the Aypona Project at the Maison des Sciences de l’Homme of Clermont Ferrand to study an archaeological landscape through the use of remote sensing technics. His main interests focus on EMI survey , software development, integrated prospection and landscape analysis. He is currently member of the Scientific Committee of the Computer Applications and Quantitaitve Methods in Archaeology, deputy leader for the Working Group 3 of the Cost Action SAGA and member of the ISAP and GMPCA society.
Simon F.-X., Pareilh-Peyrou M., Buvat S., Mayoral A., Labazuy P., Kelfoun K., Tabagh A., 2020: Quantifying multiple electromagnetic properties in EMI surveys: a case study of hydromorphic soils in a volcanic context – the Lac du Puy (France) Quantifying multiple electromagnetic properties in EMI surveys: a case study of hydromorphic soils in a volcanic context – the Lac du Puy (France), Geoderma
Guillemoteau J., Simon F.-X., Hulin G., Dousteyssier B., Dacko M., Tronicke J., 2019: 3-D imaging of subsurface magnetic permeability/susceptibility with portable frequency domain electromagnetic sensors for near surface exploration, Geophysical Journal International
Simon F.-X., Tabbagh A., Sarris A., Donati J., 2019 : Permittivity mapping in the VLF-VF range using a multi-frequency EMI device: first tests in archaeological prospection, Near Surface Geophysics, 17, 1, 27-41, doi:10.1002/nsg.12022
Kalayci T., Simon F.-X., Sarris A., 2017, A manifold approach for the investigation of Early and Middle Neolithic Settlements in Thessaly, Greece, Geosciences, 7, 3, 79, doi:10.3390/geosciences70300789
Simon F.-X., Kalayci T., Jamieson D., Cuenca C. G., Manataki M, Cantoro G., Sarris A., 2015: How Efficient is an Integrative Approach in Archaeological Geophysics? Comparative Case-Studies from Neolithic Settlements in Thessaly (Central Greece), Near Surface Geophysics, 13, 6, p. 633-643, doi: 10.3997/1873-0604.2015041
Simon F.-X., Sarris A., Thiesson J., Tabbagh A., 2015: Mapping of quadrature magnetic susceptibility/magnetic viscosity of soils by using multi-frequency EMI, Journal of Applied Geophysics, 120, p. 36-47, doi:10.1016/j.jappgeo.2015.06.007