PhD, Associate Professor at Moldova State University. Specialist in the Iron Age of the Carpathian-Danubian-Pontic space. Scientific interests are especially focused on the study of the habitat of the communities of Cozia-Saharna culture and of the Thraco-Getic tribes in the 6th-3rd centuries BC. Author of more than 150 scientific publications, including 4 monographs.
- Zanoci A. Fortificaţiile geto-dacice din spaţiul extracarpatic în secolele VI-III a. Chr. [Die geto-dakischen Befestigungen im Gebiet außerhalb der Karpaten im 6.-3. Jh. v. Chr.]. Bucureşti, 1998.
- Zanoci A. Typology and evolution of gates and access into early hallstattian fortresses in Tisa-Dniester space. Tyragetia s.n. IX/1, 2015, 7-27.
- Zanoci A. Tipologia şi evoluţia zidurilor din piatră ale fortificaţiilor hallstattiene timpurii din spaţiul tiso-nistrean [Typology and evolution of stone walls of the Early Hallstatt fortresses in the area of the Tisza and Dniester]. Revista Arheologică s.n. XI/1-2, 2015, 68-81.
- Niculiţă I., Zanoci A., Băţ M. Evoluţia habitatului din microzona Saharna în epoca fierului [Evolution of the habitat in the Saharna microregion in the Iron Age]. Chişinău, 2016.
- Zanoci A., Băţ M. The specific features of the Getic fortifications in the Middle Dniester region (the Saharna and Horodişte-Ţipova micro-zones). Plural V/2, 2017, 6-31.